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Virtual mobility programme on water management and sustainability at Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Kyung Hee University invites for a virtual mobility programme on water management and sustainability in August 2022.

We believe this can be a great opportunity for AMU students to deepen their understanding and knowledge on the field especially if they are majoring or have interest in.During the event there will be also some live cultural activities for fun. Students will be able to enjoy Korean culture and get to know more about Korea through the activities.

KHU was able to secure some extra funding for the programme so it reduce financial burden of the participants and encourage more students to participate. To value AMU-KHU friendship and partner university students KHU are now offering this programme with USD100.


DURATION: 1 Week(August 1st ~ August 5th)

FORMAT: 10 lectures(12 hours) + 3 extra-curricular activities(4 hours) including 1 special lecture on Korean beverages

PROGRAM COST: USD100 per student.

Renowned experts from universities in the United States, Asia including Kyung Hee University will be holding a lecture.

For further details, please check the files attached. The poster file is a shorter version. If you have any inquiries or need more information about the programme, please contact us at


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KHU 2022 Online Summer_Water For a Sustainable World_Brochure.pdf 27.06.2022 Jacek Zwoliński
Pobierz PDF KHU 2022 Online Summer_Water For a Sustainable World_Brochure.pdf(3.3 MB)
KHU 2022 Online Summer_Water For a Sustainable World_Poster.pdf 27.06.2022 Jacek Zwoliński
Pobierz PDF KHU 2022 Online Summer_Water For a Sustainable World_Poster.pdf(6.1 MB)